Cruise up and down our 287-mile long Minnesota River Valley National Scenic Byway to shop at our First Ever Byway-Long Garage Sale on May 4, 2013. Look for the RED BALLOONS!
Our goal is to get people out-and-about along the 287-mile long Byway to learn about our natural and historic sites. To help achieve that goal, we hope to have people participate by hosting a garage sale and for the public to patronize those sales. Get out and enjoy a spring day along the Byway!
There is no formal structure to this operation. There is no license, fees, paperwork or anything else involved other than a coordination of the May 4th date. We have publicized this at various City Halls, Chambers of Commerce, at various other community garage sales and other outlets along the Byway. Make sure to tell your friends about it!
For more information, including a map of the Byway and list of Chambers & Convention and Visitors Bureaus CVBs), visit the Minnesota River Valley National Scenic Byway website or visit the Byway Garage Sale Facebook event page.