Please Note: The entire series of Demographic Summary Community Profile Brochures are completed! They’re available right here.
One of the jobs of UMVRDC planners is to find out the needs of our local units of government. This happens through conversations, while working on projects, and via surveys. It’s a way for the UMVRDC to know the needs of the region. One of those needs identified: a way to connect our communities with a concise summary of the statistics they often use to make community and economic development decisions. This led to the creation of Demographic Summary Community Profile Brochures.
The Community Profile Brochures are comprised of statistical information from a variety of sources and will provide a snapshot of historical and current demographic, economic and social trends in the Upper Minnesota Valley Region, each of the five counties in the Region and all of the Cities within the Region. The purpose is to provide a concise summary of key community statistics to aid decision making about community and economic development. They include statistical information from a variety of sources that provide snapshots of historical and current demographic, economic, and social trends in the region. We hope these publications help our cities and counties to better understand the make-up of their communities. They are meant to help local officials use Census data to guide development and investment decisions, and also to market their communities.
For more information on this project or about census data, contact Lindsey Knutson, UMVRDC Planner, at or 320-289-1981 ext. 7.