Employer Lunch and Learns
Labor Law Updates
Vivid Image & Prairie Waters Marketing
Career Opportunities in the Region for Youth
Small Town Vibes, Josh Hansen-Connell
Employment Law Update
Employer/Youth Connections
Presentation Slides
Small Town Vibes Links
Website: smalltownvibesmn.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smalltownvibesmn/
Materials Folder (sample itineraries, etc.): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IMkNCADPDv7Qn0ETpphWoosCrTXqnib7?usp=drive_link
Gen Z and Millennial Workforce Resources
Johns Hopkins – Gen Z in the Workplace
Deloitte – Making Waves
McKinsey – Debunking Age Stereotypes in the Workplace
Society of Human Resources and Management – Recruiting Gen Z
KLN Family Brands is a great example of effective branding, recruitment, content generation, etc… I really encourage folks to peek at their website and Linkedin for inspiration.
KLN Linkedin – “Dream Manager”