2016-2021 CEDS CEDS Annual Report 2019 DevelopMN 2019 Plan
Develop MN is an initiative of the Minnesota Association of Development Organizations (MADO) who in 2015 released a plan outlining collaborative strategies for growth and prosperity in greater Minnesota. The UMVRDC shared in the development of the CEDS plan and will continue to actively participate in the implementation bringing new opportunities, alliances and resources to the UMVRDC region. This plan for greater Minnesota creates the frame work that all regions will use to update their local Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS).
Through the DevelopMN process the following cornerstones were identified as key components of strong regions and communities. When used in the CEDS and approached in a coordinated way, these cornerstones will help create prosperity in the UMVRDC region and throughout Greater Minnesota.
For more information contact Kevin Ketelsen:
kevin@umvrdc.org || 320-289-1981 ext. 111