History of SRTS
To increase opportunities for children to walk and bicycle to school safely, the 2005 federal transportation bill, SAFETEA-LU, provided funding for Safe Routes to School (SRTS) in all 50 states. The federal Legislature created SRTS, in part, to help reverse the alarming nationwide increase in childhood obesity and inactivity. The program has numerous benefits to local communities including reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality and helping kids arrive to school focused and ready to learn.
In Minnesota, the Department of Transportation (MnDOT) administers the SRTS federal funds. Since 2005, MnDOT has awarded $10.8 million in funds to communities to support SRTS. The majority of funding ($9.9 million) is for infrastructure projects including sidewalks and crosswalks. The remainder is allocated for non-infrastructure items and activities, such as SRTS planning, education, encouragement and enforcement. For more information visit MnDOT Safe Routes to School website.