The UMVRDC has facilitated a group of regional economic development professionals looking for strategies to attract and retain higher skill, higher wage demographics in the region. Based off of the UMVRDC’s 5-year assessment that was sent out to all of the Local Units of Government within Region 6W, the TOP issue identified was marketing our communities/area to attract new residents, workers and families.
Launch of the NEW website. We have redesigned the Prairie Waters website to include information on employment opportunities, housing, education, healthcare, childcare and stories. The Prairie Waters website is currently the one-stop-shop for all the things to do within the region, the new website will include useful information for a potential newcomers. We will continue adding content, resources and widgets to the website making it most effective and efficient for newcomers.
Why Here?
Based off data and our region’s assets we are able to market ourselves in ways that no other regions can. Click on the images below for our bragging points! #GetRuralMN