2016 marks the year that all Regional Development Commissions in Minnesota will be updating their Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS).A regional survey was sent out to contacts from all over our 5 county region to identify economic development strengths, weaknesses, ideas, needs and resources for the region serving the counties of Big Stone, Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, Swift and Yellow Medicine.
Quick stats:
Responses 48 – responses received from individuals representing all 5 counties.
Nearly every cornerstone had a “below average” rating!
Themes included:
- Broadband
- Workforce
- Childcare
- Housing
All identified as significant needs and challenges in the region.
Natural resources and outdoor recreation rated the highest and were listed as strengths or opportunities for the region.
The survey results will be used in a brainstorming workshop to draft new goals and strategies for the regions updated CEDS. The UMVRDC will work to refine the goals and strategies and will make them available for public review and comment at the end of October 2016.