When is the last time you’ve polished your Ordinances? With all the changes at the state level, it’s important to routinely review past ordinances to clean up outdated language and ensure they are legally defensible.
Clean out the Ordinance Closet!
- Remove unclear language in ordinances that may cause public controversy.
- Repeal unnecessary ordinances.
- Review all ordinances enacted before 1970 to ensure they are authorized by State Law.
- Avoid potential court causes. Courts will interpret any doubtful language against the community and rule in favor of the landowner.
- State laws are constantly changing… so should Community Ordinances!
Why Zoning Ordinances are Important:
- Zoning allows a community to control the development of land within the community – both the type of structures that are built and the uses to which the land is put.
- Zoning is one important tool for guiding private development, so that land uses promote both the best use of the land and the prosperity, health and welfare of community residents.
Click here to read about UMVRDC’s work on updating Swift County’s Zoning Ordinance.
For more information on how the UMVRDC can help you rehabilitate your ordinances, contact Katie Meyer at 320-289-1981 or katie.meyer@umvrdc.org.