The West Central Clean Energy Resource Team (WC CERT) & Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission collaborated on an energy workshop for local cities, counties, and schools on May 23rd. The discussion covered financing tools and opportunities that are currently available to assist local governments in funding clean energy projects in west central Minnesota. During this free event, more than 30 participants learned how to finance clean energy and energy efficiency projects and asked questions like: What funding is available? How do you do it? How have other local governments approached and accomplished such projects?
The agenda was packed with information and useful tips. The list and links to websites and handouts below is very helpful!
Handout: Resources and tools for Local Governments: Unscrambling the Alphabet Soup of Acronyms – Jeff Vetsch
B3 Building, Benchmarking, & Beyond –Sarah Steinman, Minnesota GreenCorps, CERTs
PACE: What is it and how can it help my business or city? – Lissa Pawlisch
Panel: Energy Efficiency Financing Tools for Local Governments (GESP, PBEEEP, Performance Contracting)
• Greg Ackerson, McKinstry; representing Energy Services Coalition
• Keela Bakken, Harris Energy Services; representing Energy Services Coalition
• Eric Rehm, Minnesota Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources
Local examples of Projects (how they used financial tools, lessons learned)
• John Paulson, City of Hutchinson: Energy Services Contracting from a City’s Perspective
Resources from Utilities
• Bright Energy Solutions: Lisa K. Fischer, Energy Services Representative, Missouri River Energy Services
• Rebates: Bill Klyve, Energy Management Representative, Otter Tail Power
The Rural Minnesota Solar Initiative is a resource to help farmers and small business owners learn more about how solar can work for them and provide the needed assistance to catalyze projects.
Right Light Guide: Today there are more lighting choices than ever before! This guide will illuminate the main differences between types of light bulbs, their brightness, and how to read new labels.
Want to learn more about CERTS? Visit the CERTS website or download this factsheet. CERTS members across Minnesota work to improve their communities by saving energy and money, becoming more self-sufficient, and advancing entrepreneurship and economic development.