Too many southwest Minnesota kids aren’t getting the best start to life. We’re working to change that. Join the Southwest Initiative Foundation as we support our kids and the communities they call home. During the summit, you’ll learn and be inspired
Archives for October 2018
2018 NADO Photo Contest Winners
The UMVRDC submission was one of 5 national photo winners in the National Association of Development Organization's annual photo contest. Our region's successful image was of the "Rustican" a stained glass tractor project in Montevideo, an award
MnDOT Greater Minnesota Transportation Alternatives Solicitation
October 1, 2019 The MnDOT Transportation Alternatives (TA) Solicitation is a competitive grant opportunity for local communities and regional agencies to fund projects for pedestrian and bicycle facilities, historic preservation, Safe Routes to
Hilltop Bar & Grill, Dawson MN
The UMVRDC is pleased that they were able to partner with the Dawson Co-op Credit Union and the Lac qui Parle EDA to provide financing to Keith Knutson and Colin Bergeson, the new owners of the Hilltop Bar & Grill located in Dawson.
Protected: Lac qui Parle EDA RLF
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MnDOT Greater Minnesota Transportation Alternatives Solicitation
October 1, 2018 The MnDOT Transportation Alternatives (TA) Solicitation is a competitive grant opportunity for local communities and regional agencies to fund projects for pedestrian and bicycle facilities, historic preservation, Safe Routes to
MnDOT Seeks Applicants for Minnesota Rail Service Improvement Program Grant Funding
MnDOT seeks applicants for Minnesota Rail Service Improvement Program grant funding ST. PAUL, Minn. – Railroad companies, rail users, cities and counties can apply for grant funding to improve freight rail service that supports economic development