A master plan has been developed for the Appleton Area Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Park and was adopted by the Swift County Board on December 21st, 2021. The UMVRDC and the Appleton Area OHV Park Steering Committee developed this plan over a span of 18 months prior to the adoption. The purpose of this master plan is to justify regional park designation through the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission (GMRPTC) so that Swift County can access grant funding for park development.
The direction of the plan centered around a park user survey asking users where they came from, how old they were, how long they stay, how they learned about the park, how many people were in their group, why they visit the park, how many times they have visited the park, and what new amenities they would like to see added to the park.
Four recommendations that were the result of analyzing the user survey include: adding convenience amenities to the park, improving connections for the park, expanding the park, and maintaining the park. View the final master plan and map below.
Appleton Area OHV Park Master PlanAppleton Area OHV Park Master Plan MapAppleton Area OHV Park Cost Estimate