The Blandin Foundation’s Minnesota Intelligent Rural Community (MIRC) Grant provided the UMVRDC $90,000 to implement projects in the region that will ultimately drive more broadband use in the region.
A steering committee was set up for the project, and the committee held a stakeholder meeting last fall to get input on broadband priorities in the region.
Steering Committee Members
Laurie Ortega – Pioneer Library System
Kevin Beyer – Farmers Mutual/Federated Telephone
Brent Olson – Big Stone County Commissioner
Vicki Oaks – Ortonville EDA
Pam Lehmann – LqP Co EDA
Tony Ourada – Canby EDA/Chamber, business owner
Carman Mills – Adult Basic Education
Juanita Lauritsen – SW MN PIC/ Workforce Center
Joe DaVita – Montevideo Hospital
Les Heen – Pioneer Public TV
The UMVRDC received 16 proposals from throughout the region requesting more than $250,000 in funding. The steering committee met in December to recommend the following projects for funding.
Funding Recommendations
Dawson / Boyd Schools – $25,000
With the coming availability of broadband technology in Lac qui Parle County, Dawson-Boyd Schools would like to connect businesses, community members, and students to produce a digitally literate community. We will achieve this by creating a Multimedia Collaboration Center, a Student Tech Team, and a hybrid (online and classroom) Teacher/Community Training Academy.
Lac qui Parle County Economic Development Authority (EDA) – $25,000
The goal of the LqP Computer Commuter is to increase the digital literacy of area residents and businesses, advance our knowledge workers, promote broadband availability and digital inclusion with an innovative project offering a mobile computer lab environment open to the general public at no charge.
Big Stone County Public Internet Project – $6,552
The goal of Big Stone County’s public internet access project is to provide more convenient access to government information and resources to the public. Enabling the public to access these forms, county highway project status, and
GIS information online not only increases public awareness, but also gives the public a feeling of more control in their schedule and connection to our county government. By encouraging the public to find forms online, directing them to a highway project online, or pointing them to the GIS web site, we will be increasing awareness of government resources online, thus increasing public use of broadband. Having a kiosk within the courthouse will allow department workers to train county residents how to use the web site to find information, which will encourage residents to use the website from home in the future.
Ortonville School / Ortonville Economic Development Authority (EDA) – $10,000
This project’s goals are to increase internet usage by giving our businesses an understanding of how it can be used and the benefits it provides; increase internet usage by locals as more discover the information that they are able to obtain; create a viable economic community and a school system that uses technology to reflect the times we live in; and involve our youth in the community’s development encouraging them to return as adults and become active members in our community.
Johnson Memorial Health Services – $15,000
Home Stream demonstration project – Demonstrate the potential for using broadband‐based remote support tools and enhanced family engagement to define appropriate visits/hospitalizations and to achieve increased medication adherence for better health outcomes.
Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission (UMVRDC) – $4,405
Our overall goal is to assist cities in our region to have effective community websites. This project will assist two cities (Bellingham and Echo) with creating a community website.