After several home-based childcare options and the childcare center in Granite Falls closed, the childcare shortage in the city and county intensified, and a countywide engagement processes began. There was representation from economic development
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Discovery Kids Childcare
The goal was to find a collaborative model to increase the number of quality daycare spots in Benson. The idea for a new childcare facility began with community members in Benson. Business owners noticed a shortage of licensed childcare options for
Mansion of Mysteries Park
The motivation for the project came from the community which desired a new playground. City council approved the playground contingent on the city’s ability to raise sufficient funds for the project. This meant that the initial goals were: (1) secure
Madison Pool
The motivation for the renovation came primarily from the amount of community support gathered from a movie theater upgrade. Additionally, the swimming pool was one of the oldest continually operated outdoor pools in the state and had been the target
Appleton Pool
The pool in Appleton was over 50 years old and deteriorating quickly before a renovation in 2013. Due to increased community support, demand, and help from a community group, the project became a reality. There was discussion about relocating the