Looking for the Community Profile Brochures showing various breakdowns of the 2010 census information?
They are available right here on our website.
2010 Census
In March 2010, more than 130 million addresses across the nation received a census form. One of the shortest census forms in history, the 2010 Census form asks 10 questions and takes only 10 minutes to complete. Completing your census form is easy, important and safe. Your participation is essential to ensuring a brighter tomorrow for our community.
By law, the Census Bureau cannot share respondents’ answers with anyone, including other federal agencies and law enforcement entities. All Census Bureau employees take an oath of nondisclosure and are sworn for life to protect the confidentiality of the data. The penalty for unlawful disclosure is a fine of up to $250,000 or imprisonment of up to five years, or both.
Required once every 10 years by the U.S. Constitution, the census counts everyone living in the United States, both citizens and non-citizens. Census data are used to reapportion the U.S. House of Representatives, re-district each state and determine the distribution of the Electoral College. Census data also directly affect how more than $400 billion per year in federal funding is distributed to state, local and tribal governments. Census data are critical in determining locations for new hospitals, improving schools, building new roads, expanding public transportation options, creating new maps for emergency responders and much more.
By participating in the census, you can help create a better future for you and those important to you. Complete and return your form when it arrives. To learn more, visit the 2010 Census website.
Minnesota Specific Information
Land Management Information Center- Datanet A good place to start for 1990 and 2000 census data. It has a number of different reports that can be generated at different resolutions (eg. state, county, and city).
Minnesota State Demographic Center The Minnesota State Demographic Center analyzes and distributes data from state, U.S. Census Bureau and other sources.
Labor Force Projections The Minnesota State Demographic Center has published labor force projections covering the period 2005 to 2035. In addition to the report, there is a downloadable file. Projections are by county, gender, and age group.
Most requested topics from Datanet:
- American Community Survey: Tools and links to data from the American Community Survey.
- Census 2000: Tools for finding 2000 Census data; most requested tables.
- Estimates: Current population and households.
- Immigration: People moving to Minnesota from other countries.
- Projections: Future population trends.
National Information
US Census Bureau For a quick list of tools that the Census Bureau has put together, try Data Tools, found second down in the menu on the left side of the main Census Bureau Webpage.
American FactFinder2 Quick information about any community. For a tutorial on FactFinder2, visit this page on our website.
Decennial Census – Columbia University Libraries Historical Census Data.