A County Roadway Safety Plan workshop was held in Granite Falls December 2nd, covering the counties of Yellow Medicine, Chippewa, Lac qui Parle and Redwood. A similar workshop will be held January 12, 2011 covering the counties of Big Stone, Pope, Stevens and Swift.
The objective of the workshops is to enhance highway safety efforts. Through group discussion and review of crash data, participants work to address severe crashes in the counties.
During the workshop national strategies are presented and prioritized via a voting process that becomes the foundation of efforts to reduce the number of traffic fatalities and life changing injuries within the counties.
Critical emphasis areas being discussed:
- Drug and Alcohol-Related
- Distracted Driving
- Unbelted Occupants
- Road Departure Crashes
- Design and Operation of Intersections
The County Roadway Safety Plans will be developed by representing the 4 E’s:
Engineering – Enforcement – Education – EMS
For additional information, contact Michelle Bouta at michelle.bouta@umvrdc.org or 320-289-1981.