Develop your Community’s Solar Energy Resources: Attend a Planning, Zoning & Permitting Workshop |
We invite you to attend one of five free events to learn about solar energy best practices in planning, zoning, and permitting, as well as the free assistance available through the Minnesota Solar Challenge for implementing them. See dates & locations >>Many communities agree that renewable energy is important for the future. But has your community really assessed its local renewable energy resources? Is solar energy addressed in your comprehensive plan, your development regulation, and your economic development priorities? What standards does your community use to balance between productive renewable energy resources and protecting community character? What is “distributed generation” and why should planners and building officials care?
Every community has a solar energy resource. Solar installation costs are rapidly coming down, and solar energy systems are coming soon to your community. But most local governments have little experience with renewable energy from a land use or economic development perspective. This workshop will review the rapidly evolving world of community-scale solar energy markets, technologies, and regulation, with a special emphasis on addressing renewable energy resources in plans, development regulation, and building code permitting.
These workshops will address:
Who should attend? Elected and appointed officials, planners and zoning administrators, building and inspections administrators, sustainability staff
Cost: Free! Dates, Times & Locations:
Rochester Workshop Thursday, November 29, 2012: 12:30-4:00pm
Statewide Webinar Wednesday, December 5, 2012: 9:00-10:30am
Brainerd Workshop Wednesday, December 12, 2012: 12:30-4:00pm
Duluth Workshop Tuesday, January 15, 2013: 12:30-4:00pm
Saint Paul Workshop Wednesday, February 6, 2013: 12:30-4:00pm
To learn more, visit |
What is the Minnesota Solar Challenge? The Minnesota Solar Challenge provides support for communities across Minnesota that may be interested in capturing the benefit of their local solar energy resource. Minnesota Solar Challenge partners will work with communities across Minnesota until February 2013 to implement local government best practices in permitting and zoning. The project aims to create a mature solar energy industry and create opportunities for homeowners and businesses to more effectively use their solar energy resource.Who’s behind this effort? The local government team working on the Minnesota Solar Challenge is comprised of the Minnesota Renewable Energy Society, CR Planning, Clean Energy Resource Teams, Minnesota Department of Commerce, League of Minnesota Cities, and Metropolitan Council, among others. The Minnesota Solar Challenge is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy and the Minnesota Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources. |