Southwestern Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths workshop convenes in Redwood Falls
Traffic Safety event combines diverse field of stakeholders aimed at reducing traffic fatalities
WHAT: More than 100 traffic safety stakeholders will attend the Northwestern Minnesota Toward Zero
Deaths workshop. The 2012 southwestern Minnesota crash facts will be presented
and best practices highlighted. Attendees will discuss ways they can work
together to reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries on Minnesota
WHEN: Thursday, May 30, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
WHERE: Redwood Falls Community Center, 901 East Cook Street, Redwood Falls, MN
WHY: Traffic crashes are the leading cause of deaths for Minnesotans ages two through 34.
WHO: Members of the media are invited to attend and interview key traffic safety
stakeholders. Representatives from law enforcement, engineering, education and
emergency medical and trauma services, and local leaders also will attend.
Highlights: 8:30a.m. Welcome & 10 Years of TZD Highlights
TZD Regional Co-chairs: Jon Huseby, District Engineer, MnDOT District 8;
Capt. John Ebner, Minnesota State Patrol
9:00a.m. Regional TZD Crash Facts
Ryan Barney, MnDOT Traffic Engineer
9:30a.m. Personal Impact Statement: Brad Bigler
10:15a.m. Keynote Address: Minnesota Crash Help
Stephanie Malinoff, Director of Outreach Services, Center for Transportation Studies
11:00a.m. Personal Impact Statement: Carol Iverson
12:30p.m. The Future of Traffic Safety in Minnesota:
Setting the direction for Strategic Highway Safety Plans & Statewide TZD Representatives
from the Minnesota Department of Transportation
How: Lunch is provided. Register online for this free event at<>