DETAILS: The UMVRDC was alerted of Office of Energy and Security (OES) Grant opportunities through a Request for Proposals on April 19, 2010 and RDC Staff sent out an email blast to all eligible applicants including Counties, Cities, and School Districts. In order to educate all potential applicants, the RDC hosted an OES Information Session Webinar on April 29, 2010 to explain the application process. From this meeting, Lac qui Parle County contacted the RDC and expressed interest in contracting to obtain funding to upgrade the Lac qui Parle County Courthouse and purchase a new energy efficient boiler.
Lac qui Parle County opted to participate in the UMVRDC’s Hedgehog Grant to decrease the contract for services amount from $2,400 to $1,200 to draft the OES Grant Application. Michelle Bouta (RDC Staff) collaborated with Jake Sieg (LqP County Auditor) to draft and submit the OES Application by May 24, 2010.
On June 18, 2010 the grant awards were announced and Lac qui Parle County received a $20,000 dollar grant to rehabilitate the aging boiler for the County Courthouse. This project is just the beginning for Lac qui Parle County’s efforts to improve the overall energy efficiency of the County Courthouse, as the County recently re-contracted with the RDC to author an additional grant application to the OES to obtain $100,000 dollars to install a geo-thermal heating and cooling system. Grant award notice will occur in the fall of 2010, with the hope that Lac qui Parle County can continue on their path towards further energy efficiency.
IMPACT: The annual savings of the boiler amount to $4,768.00 and over a span of 10 years, the entire boiler cost will be paid off!