The City of Madison has contracted with the Upper Minnesota Regional Development Commission (UMVRDC) to begin work on updating its 2003 Comprehensive Plan. A comprehensive plan is a tool that presents a community’s vision and policies for the long-range future by incorporating public input and goals gathered through a robust planning process. The plan will cover such topics as Land Use/Zoning, Housing, Public Infrastructure/Facilities/Services, Transportation, Economic Development, Parks/Recreation/Natural Resources, and Community Vitality. In addition, the plan serves as a legal basis for zoning and provides guidance for elected officials and other decision makers when considering future development and expenditures.
Madison 2024 Comprehensive PlanMeeting AgendaSurvey ResultsMadison Asset MapSmall Group ActivitySmall Group Activity Results
If you have any questions, please contact Val at Madison City Hall at 320-598-7373 or Kevin at the UMVRDC at 320-289-1981 x 111.