You’ve been hearing and reading a lot about MIRC… Minnesota Intelligent Rural Communities. The UMVRDC continues to be one of the Blandin Foundation’s 11 demonstration communities across the state, and is the only “region” selected for the program.
Each demonstration community is working to bring a network of resources and support to rural Minnesota individuals and communities, especially those unemployed and seeking employment, small businesses, coalitions of government entities, and local leaders.
Last year several introductory broadband workshops were offered throughout the region, and this fall we are pleased to offer a second series of business internet workshops. Workshops will be presented by the University of Minnesota Extension educators. The fall line-up of free workshops is listed on our website on the events calendar.
We hope you, your business and your community can take advantage of these great opportunities!
For more information on broadband, the MIRC Initiative, or the free workshops, contact:
Dawn Hegland at 320-289-1981 ext. 1 or email or
Jacki Anderson at 320-289-1981 ext. 2 or
You can also visit the MIRC page here on our website for previous articles and background information on this important initiative.