The Minnesota Rural Water Association held a very informative workshop last Wednesday, November 2, on financing your local projects. If you missed the meeting, don’t worry – we’ve attached the handouts here for you to view and download.
A few things to make note of:
- Local wastewater and storm water projects are REQUIRED to be on the Minnesota Department of Health Project Priority List (PPL) to receive state assistance for projects. It’s easy to do – for instructions on how to get your project on the PPL visit the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency website by clicking here or you can contact:
Bill Dunn, Clean Water Revolving Fund Coordinator
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Road North
Saint Paul, MN 55155-4194
651-757-2324 or
- For Water System Infrastructure projects loans (and possibly some grants) through the Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund, look at the blue flyer included in the workshop materials, or you can contact:
Chad Kolstad
651-201-3972 or
- The Micro, Midi and Mega loans from the Minnesota Rural Water could be very helpful for your community! These programs can typically help finance anything that can be financed by a G.O. Bond. Check out the handout and sample application form included in the workshop materials.
If your community is looking for technical or grant writing assistance, the UMVRDC is here to help! Contact or or call 320-289-1981.