ST. PAUL, Minn. – Minnesota elementary and middle schools and their partners are invited to apply for Safe Routes to School (SRTS) grant funds for projects that will help more children safely walk and bicycle to school.
Applications are due Friday, April 27 at noon and are available at
Kindergarten through eighth-grade schools in Minnesota may apply for grants in two categories:
- Planning assistance – Schools will receive expert assistance to complete a Safe Routes to School plan, which will analyze existing conditions, gather public input and identify potential infrastructure and non-infrastructure solutions.
- Implementation grants – Schools will receive grant funds to support education, encouragement, enforcement or evaluation activities related to safe walking and bicycling to school.
Minnesota has $1.2 million available in these categories for 2012-13. All SRTS grants use federal funds, and no local match is required. Grants for infrastructure projects, such as sidewalks and crosswalks, are not available at this time.
All non-profit organizations and government entities in Minnesota may be eligible partners, including tribal nations, schools, school districts, cities, counties and regional planning organizations.
Since 2005, MnDOT has awarded $10.8 million in federal funds to communities to support SRTS. The majority of funding—$9.9 million—was awarded for infrastructure projects. The remainder is allocated for non-infrastructure items and activities, such as SRTS planning, education, encouragement and enforcement. Funding for Safe Routes to School is available in all 50 states.
For more information, visit or contact Lisa Bender at 651-366-4195 or or contact UMVRDC’s Transportation Planner, Lindsey Knutson, at 320-289-1981 ext. 7 or