A public meeting was held February 7 at the city hall as part of the update of the Comprehensive Plan. The city of Milan has contracted with the Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission (UMVRDC) to complete this update. Eighteen dedicated residents, business owners, and invested members of the community attended the public meeting to give input.
“Milan has maintained its rural, small town atmosphere and provides an exceptional quality of life.” This statement leads the current vision statement of Milan, and according to the 18 participants who attended Thursday night’s meeting, continues to serve as the most important inspiration as they look to the future of Milan. The Arts School and a peaceful, caring community were also priorities.
Kristi Fernholz, UMVRDC Senior Planner, led the meeting where participants identified the current issues and needs in Milan. Some of the topics addressed were work on housing rehabilitation, more public involvement, increasing and utilizing technology, energy planning and increasing economic development. This information will help form the goals, objectives and strategies of the Comprehensive Plan.
- If you were unable to attend the meeting, but wish to give feedback, click here to visit the survey: www.surveymonkey.com/s/72BGCXH
- There is also a link from the Milan Website: www.milanmn.com
For more information on the Milan Comprehensive Plan update, contact Kristi Fernholz, UMVRDC Senior Planner, by calling 320-289-1981 extension 6 or email kristi.fernholz@umvrdc.org.