Announcing 2018 Daycare loan/grant program. All daycare’s are encouraged to apply for funds. Past recipients encouraged to apply again.
Swift County has approved funds for 2018 to provide home, school based and center daycares with a deferred loan to assist in paying for home/facility modifications or upgrades required to meet licensure requirements, educational curriculum and equipment, safety improvements and expansion (does not include operating expense). This program is also designed to encourage the development of new daycare sites into the county, both home, school based and center based, to encourage further economic development. So if you know of anyone who has considered daycare, please let them know of this opportunity.
Daycare centers can apply for up to $12,500 and home daycares can apply for up to $150/child in daycare. The deferred loan program forgives 20% of the loan for each year daycare is provided, and will be fully forgiven in 5 years. Enclosed is an explanation of the program and an application. If you have any questions you can call either myself 320-843-2428 or Catie Lee 320-843-6301.