Transit Plan
Based on MnDOT’s Transit Dependency Index (which looks at: population, jobs, zero vehicle households, poverty, disability, limited English proficiency, seniors age 65+ and youth under 18) the Big Stone, Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, Swift, and Yellow Medicine counties are considered low transit dependent counties (see map below). However, a recent study conducted by the UMVRDC discovered that 69% of 123 respondents polled reported they do not have access to transportation other than public transit. The UMVRDC has engaged 210 facilities and agencies in the five-county area to solicit input for the 2016 Local Human Service Transit Coordination Plan update. This update is aimed at improving transportation services and ensuring that communities are coordinating resources provided through multiple federal programs. A public workshop will be held at the Appleton City Offices April 20th, from 9:00am-2:30pm and anyone who has input is welcome to participate. Click here for more info…