2010-2015 State Transportation Improvement Plan
Jarrett Hubbard from the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) was at the March RDC meeting to review the 2012-2015 State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) for Area Transportation Partnership (ATP) 8. Information concerning the 2012-2015 STIP for ATP 4 was also provided and reviewed. The next ATP 4 meeting is scheduled for April 6 and the next ATP 8 meeting is scheduled for April 8. The 2012-2015 STIP for both ATPs will be presented and then will go to the State of Minnesota for approval.
2011 Transit Service Coordination Plan
A steering committee is being created to help develop the transit coordination update. A survey has been sent to all of the transportation providers in Region 6W, including schools, non-emergency specialized transportation services and transit providers. A meeting date for the first steering committee is being determined.
For more information on the UMVRDC’s work in transportation, visit the Transportation page here on our website, or contact Michelle Bouta at 320-289-1981 or michelle.bouta@umvrdc.org.