The UMVRDC has been working with the Cities of Canby, Ortonville, and Appleton to update their Zoning Ordinances. These updates will address any missing sections, anticipate the future needs of each city, and eliminate any out of date ordinances. The updated language will be easy to understand and leave little room for interpretation.
One theme that has surfaced through these projects is concern surrounding the process through which permits and amendments take place. The UMVRDC has been working with the City of Ortonville to develop information pages for distribution with applications that include a process overview, application deadlines, submission requirements, the approval timeline, and the appeals process. These pages will be made available on the City’s website and in the City Office and will be another tool for communication between the City and its residents.
For more information about reviewing and updating your ordinances, please contact a community development planner at the UMVRDC at 320-289-1981 or at