The Lac qui Parle County All Hazard Mitigation Draft Plan can be viewed by clicking here. (Scroll down to the middle of the page; plan is in 5 parts due to file size.) Comments and input about the plan can be submitted to Jacki Anderson at
Minnesota Intelligent Rural Communities (MIRC) Projects Selected for Funding
A total of 16 funding requests for projects that promote the use of broadband technology were received from the Big Stone, Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, Swift, and Yellow Medicine County region for the Minnesota Intelligent Rural Communities (MIRC)
The Greater Minnesota Transit Investment Plan
The Greater Minnesota Transit Investment Plan is complete! You can view the plan, supporting documentation, public comments on the draft plan, and Mn/DOT’s response to those comments by on Mn/DOT's website by clicking here. The Greater Minnesota
Applications Being Accepted for Minnesota Beautiful Grant Program
Southwest Initiative Foundation (SWIF) has announced they are accepting applications until March 7, 2011 for Valspar Corporation's Minnesota Beautiful Grant Program. This is the 14th year that SWIF has partnered with Minneapolis-based Valspar. The
Don't Miss the Clean Energy Convergence!
There are hundreds of schools and local governments across Minnesota working to save energy, save money, and build our clean energy future. Many of them will be sharing what they have learned at the upcoming Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) 2011
UMVRDC Revolving Loan Fund has funds available!
The UMVRDC Revolving Loan Fund (RDC RLF) has recently consolidated its two loan funds into one. This one loan fund is available for new and expanding businesses in Big Stone, Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, Swift & Yellow Medicine Counties. Up to
Preparing for Potential Spring Flooding
We can't control the weather, but we can prepare for it! With spring in the distance, now is the time to think about flooding. Following are some steps you can take to prepare. 1. Purchase Flood Insurance! Just a few inches of water from a flood
Time to Get Your Ordinances in Order
When is the last time you’ve polished your Ordinances? With all the changes at the state level, it’s important to routinely review past ordinances to clean up outdated language and ensure they are legally defensible. Clean out the Ordinance Closet!