UMVRDC's Revolving Loan Fund helps After Five Supper Club owners follow their dreams and provide a gathering place for Madison and surrounding communities.
Regional Examples
Broadband Case Studies
As portions of the region continues to try and overcome the many hurdles of broadband, we've had a handful of proactive and successful counties and communities working towards resolving those issues. Click on the links below to view the different
Housing Case Studies
Montevideo Thunder Hawks Childcare
Thunder Hawks began as a private non-profit called Kinder Kare, Inc. that was incorporated in 1969 as a community project to address the need for childcare in Montevideo. Throughout the years, the location of the program changed frequently, until
Tiny Sprouts Daycare
After several home-based childcare options and the childcare center in Granite Falls closed, the childcare shortage in the city and county intensified, and a countywide engagement processes began. There was representation from economic development
Discovery Kids Childcare
The goal was to find a collaborative model to increase the number of quality daycare spots in Benson. The idea for a new childcare facility began with community members in Benson. Business owners noticed a shortage of licensed childcare options for
Wood Lake City Basketball Hoops
The Southwest Minnesota Initiative awarded a $1,000 grant to Wood Lake City. This covered the majority of the costs of installing the new hoops.… Click button below to view full case study.
Mansion of Mysteries Park
The motivation for the project came from the community which desired a new playground. City council approved the playground contingent on the city’s ability to raise sufficient funds for the project. This meant that the initial goals were: (1) secure